
What is hidden client

Independent work offers extra income for service evaluators

If you got here it is because you heard the expression hidden customer, mystery shopper or mystery shopping and became interested, especially when discovering that it is possible to make money from the activity.

Here we have a complete and uncomplicated explanation, like Bare International, of hidden customer activity. Discover and join our team of evaluators.

Hidden Clients are service evaluators of companies that hire Bare International to find out if all units of your business are servicing consumers properly.

Recruited by Bare International, you appraiser undergoes training to act as a hidden customer, visiting a designated facility and reviewing product presentation, decorating the environment, and attending to store, pharmacy, restaurant, dealer, and other employees.

After the visit, a report should be completed accurately and completely. Once the evaluation is validated, the evaluator’s payment is approved and made according to the dates published by Bare International Brazil.

In this independent working relationship, you can supplement your income, help companies improve their customer service, and work flexible hours by accepting proposals that fit their schedule.

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