
5 Tips To Be A Good Hidden Customer

Become a great hidden customer of Bare International Brazil and increase your income by making evaluations

Making money as a hidden client can be very simple, but some care can make the job even easier, rewarding and rewarding. Check out our tips and become a Bare Appraiser!

1 – Do the trainings

In the hidden client training and auditing provided by Bare International Brazil, you receive all the information about the project and can ask questions about the evaluation with our team.

Talk to Daniel to attend: Dhenrique@bareinternational.com

2 – Stay tuned
To find out what vacancies from hidden client reviews and audits are open, you need to keep an eye on your email and the Bare International Facebook page [Fanpage link].

In addition, you can register and check the opportunities available in our system. [Link to sign up]

3 – Plan your day

As a hidden client of Bare International, you can assemble your schedule of evaluations according to your commitments. Therefore, it is important that you plan your evaluation day well, so you do not risk losing your appointment and can even schedule more than one evaluation per day, further increasing your income.

4 – Watch

Evaluating properly is essential to receiving payment as a hidden customer. And to make the best assessments, you need to pay attention to both trainings and visits. So you get to the evaluation site knowing what you need to do and get out of there with all the information you need to complete the questionnaire.

5- Remember to have fun

One of the best parts of being a hidden customer is visiting stores and other businesses pretending to be a regular customer, and getting to know new products and services. So, do not forget to take this opportunity to have fun.

Register [link to sign up] and start earning as a hidden customer!

The difference between hidden customer assessment and audit

In addition to a hidden customer, you can serve as Bare International’s auditor in

Nós já explicamos aqui [https://www.bareinternational.com/o-que-e-cliente-oculto/?lang=pt-br] o que é cliente oculto e como funciona uma avaliação misteriosa. Agora, é hora de saber mais sobre as auditorias feitas pelos avaliadores Bare International.

Ao contrário do cliente oculto, o auditor não precisa esconder sua identidade. Ao chegar ao local da avaliação, você deve apresentar a carta de identificação disponibilizada pela Bare e explicar que vai fazer uma auditoria.

Como na avaliação de cliente oculto, você deve respeitar as regras estabelecidas e preencher o questionário de forma correta. Aproveite mais esta chance de complementar sua renda com Bare International.

Registre-se aqui[link para sign up]!

[BA1]Subtítulo não tem ponto final

[BA2]Subtítulo não tem ponto final

This post is also available in: Portuguese (Brazil)